Thursday, July 19, 2012

These Days of Summer

Generally, life just keeps getting exponentially better as time goes on since the surgery.  I kind of just want to talk about all the happy things life has thrown at me lately. 

Eric won three awards in two weeks!  Star Student in Family and Consumer Science, and Excellence in Science and Orchestra!!  Yupp, he's a superstar.  I'm beyond proud.  I also love that music runs in the family.  I actually ran into someone I graduated with who saw Eric playing cello and arranging music.  He laughed and said it was cute that Eric takes after me.  

Soooo much How I Met Your Mother lately.  I freaking love this show.  I got Deels in on it too!  It's nice because That 70's Show used to be our show, but it's not on so much anymore.  They have guest stars like Carrie Underwood and Lucy Hale and Donna from That 70's Show and we get so nerdily excited together.

Some days, when the weather, my choice of hair products, and the stars align properly, I get really defined and pretty curls.  Despite how happy they make me, no one else ever really notices because it's so dark.  If hair coloring wasn't so expensive and risky I'd lighten it a little.  Maybe do a dark auburn.  It would just be nice to see the detail that goes into a fishtail or my curls or something.  

Deels had her recitals last week!  She was in Opening (for like 6 counts of 8 as a pipsqueak ballerina...), a BEAUTIFUL Haj Naranji pointe solo (the Genie Number), a Tap Dragon Dance (complete with chopsticks and fans), a stunning pointe Masquerade Waltz, a Matador-themed pointe Flamenco, and a fun jazz Conga.  I'm so proud and happy that she has something she loves as much as I love music!

Marianna and Aunt Grace even came one night.  We had the best time at the diner afterwards.  It was one of those moments when you can't even keep track of why you're laughing anymore, and everyone else in the room is staring.  It was perfect :)

I sincerely regret having to miss Andy's birthday bash last week, but hopefully now that I'm cleared for activities like Splish Splash and running (just no contact sports), we can finagle something for later this summer.  We did, however, throw a wildly successful family BBQ.  All the little cousins had fun and got along, and the food was delectable.   

Although my job hunt was pretty much a bust after three solid weeks of applying and interviewing, I was happy to accept my bass teaching gig for the rest of the summer.  It's what I love and what I'm good at, even if it's only 7 hours a week.  AND THEN MUSIC & ARTS CALLED THIS MORNING. So hopefully I'll be getting started there next week!

Lots of fun quotes lately:

"I'm so hungry... but I want to wear clothes." Laura

"Billie Jean is not my mother." Delia
"Just because I don't know the cashier does NOT mean you have permission to dance." Also my loving sister.

"Mario?  As in 'It's-a me, Mario!'?" Marianna, discussing Eric's Confirmation name.

To sum up my family's appreciation for Star Wars, much to my brother's dismay: 

Eric: "Did you hear what he said?"
Nonni: "Something about trying hard?" 
Eric: "No.  He said 'Do or Do Not Do, there is no try.' That's a very famous quote."

"Eric, this movie is putting me to sleep again." Delia, who has a track record for falling asleep during Star Wars movies.

"Who's that?  He looks like a bad guy..." Delia, about Darth Vader.

Two last things that make me really happy- THE NEW SONATA ARCTICA CD IS HERE!  And it's just as good as I was hoping it would be! Also, A VERY POTTER SENIOR YEAR IS HAPPENING!  I don't even know what could make me happier right now.

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