Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Mirror, mirror? And lots of Capital R Romance.

I am entirely undecided on how I feel about the season finale of Pretty Little Liars.  "A Day" came and it was so, so close to obeying the books... sort of.  In some ways the books were better, and in some ways the shows were.  It's under review until next season.

Also, their music supervision team went bananas in the last few episodes.  It's like they suddenly realized that field existed after paying it no attention for a season and a half and then jumped in without knowing anything about how to handle it.  The only appropriate music was soundtrack "scary" music and the lyric-less, melancholy tune that went with the credits.

A nun came into work yesterday to buy a salad.  She paid entirely in singles.  Isn't there kind of a connotation that comes with that....

Do you ever look at yourself in the mirror and want to laugh?  I'm just an absolutely ridiculous excuse of a human being.  I'm not complaining, but how does anyone in the world take me seriously?  I have a hunch that no one really does.

On an unrelated note, I've never tried this, but seduction by cupcake sounds like it'd be a fantastic idea.  Who could resist a cupcake?

There's something that's just Romantic about the warm weather.  You don't need a partner to feel it.  All you have to do is love yourself and your own life.  I promise.

Sometimes, though, I just want to disappear.  Just lay on my bed and melt into it, or throw myself down on the grass  and get lost there.  If I don't want to look in a mirror, or feel embarrassed, or regret something, I just wish I could put myself in some little corner of the world where no one can find me for a little while.  And then I think about how many other people are probably feeling the same way.  We all just need a touch of redemption for anything we're not proud of.  We just need someone to tell us it wasn't our fault, or that we're still loved.  I want to be able to crawl back out of the hole I just dug for myself and throw my head back and arms out and shine.

I'm a romanticist, remember? What keeps life interesting is the possibility of having your dreams come true, after all.

So pretty much, I use this blog to get rid of the extra thoughts that cloud my head sometimes.  Like a ton of two-line vignettes just spilling out in whatever order my brain wants to get rid of them.  And sometimes, people are pretty entertained.  I'm flattered.  You should clear out your head too.  Send your thoughts back to me!  In a text or comment or Facebook message... I don't care who you are or how well we do or don't know each other.  No awkwardness, scout's honor!  I wanna quit having one-sided conversations with myself.  I HAVE AN EXCELLENT IDEA.  Send me a mailing address and I'll send you a letter!  Regardless of whether we're in different states or even down the hall at the same school, I WILL WRITE YOU A REALLY FUN LETTER IF YOU SOMEHOW GIVE ME YOUR ADDRESS.

I'm speaking directly to you, dear reader.  I know you want to look around and say, "Who, me?" assuming I mean the closer friend who read this and answered me already, or the really distant friend I want to reconnect with, but I don't.  I mean you, reading this right now.   

I promise I'm not desperate for friends, but guys, this is going to be awesome.

1 comment:

Let the bashing of my personal musings begin!