Tuesday, March 13, 2012

"If you put your ear to the ground now, you would hear the whole island seething with life."

The title of this post is a quote from J.M. Barrie's Peter Pan.  It's a fun read for kids, but it's so much more than that to those who can see it's poignance.  I read it the summer between graduating high school and starting college, so it's an intensely emotional read for me.  Also, it is gorgeous out today and the quote seemed appropriate.  

'Poignant' and 'whimsical' are my two favorite words ever.

The olfactory system is incredible.  More than sights or sounds, certain scents can take me entirely to another time and place.  It’s like time travel.  Like, I have three different deodorants.  One in particular just brings me back to last summer-- my first full summer having a car and a license and income and freedom.  I get really happy when I use that deodorant, but it feels wrong to use during cold months.  
Our hand soap is scented Milk and Honey-- I am going INSANE trying to place the memory I have stored for this scent.  It has something to do with summer nights and go-karts but I can’t remember the details.  It’s killing me.  
The smell of tulle reminds me of the thirteen years I spent as a tap dancer.  Trying on dresses--even just walking through stores like Estelle’s-- brings me back to waiting in the wings of Tilles Center, wearing a costme, stage makeup, and an ear-to-ear grin.
The bass room at my high school always smelled of old paper because it doubled as a music library.  Any time I read an old book or browse a library, I can close my eyes and still be in high school, perhaps cutting a useless PIG class to practice the bass.
Even cologne and perfume make me float to some far off memory.
It’s practically magic, except for one flaw; since most things die in winter and snow has no true scent, it only works for the other seasons. It’s a shame because winter’s my favorite.  
Drinking coffee and needing to pee are practically synonymous.  They both fill you with lethal amounts of potential energy that make you need to go, go, go.
My compliments to the cast of Smithtown’s Hello, Dolly!  I was thoroughly entertained both nights I saw it, even after enduring my sister singing all the songs around the house for months.  I laughed out loud at all the jokes and those handsome dancing waiters and was super impressed by the general level of talent in every cast member.  Bravo, all!
In the ten minutes I saw Sydney at Starbucks, she said some pretty priceless things:
“Chels, at least I talk to guys!  You just TESTOSTERONE and run away!”
“He was playing [the ukelele] with his wenis.” 
Mike and Rebeca and me were reunited for the first time since January!  For one hour.  But it’s better than the two more months we thought we’d have to wait.  It was lovely as always.  
Rebecca: “I’m going vegetarian.  Vegetarian as in not eating meat.  But the word vegetarian implies I like vegetables, but I don’t, so that’s not a good word for it.”
The count down is on!  Eighteen days until the Sweet Sixteen!  Gosh, I can’t believe mine was so long ago.  Three years have flown by.  Everything and everyone has changed infinitely since then, but it doesn’t feel like it.  The most important thing I took away from my Sweet Sixteen was the knowledge that I am blessed with a lot of friends and family that love me unconditionally.  And I depend on that knowledge every day.  Thank you all. <3

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