Thursday, February 2, 2012

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows P2 All Encompassing Analysis PART SIX

Hagrid carried Harry's limp body back to the courtyard as he was supposed to, and then the movie sort of goes batshit crazy.  Voldemort asks the crowd to join his ranks, and I like how Lucius and Narcissa have to call Draco out to going them.  Guys, he's a good guy underneath it all, I swear.  Can we talk about how Voldemort hugs Draco?  This defies every bit of knowledge we've gleaned about Voldemort/Tom Riddle's character over the course of seven books and eight movies.  We know the whole reason Voldemort is that he grew up without any love.  He certainly is not about to go looking for love right after he kills The Chosen One and stands on the brink of endless power.  Then, Neville decides the time is right for a monologue about how Harry's death doesn't matter.  I get that they're trying to convey the overarching theme of love being the more powerful force, explaining Harry's self sacrifice.  It comes off more as Neville saying Harry died for the "Greater Good," though, which is Grindelwald's gig.  No me gusta.
Fight breaks out again and more weirdness happens.  Voldemort wraps Harry in his cloak, bondage/S&M style.  SO NOT OKAY.  How does he get out of that, anyhow?  Harry then grabs Voldemort by the shoulders as though to make out with him, and launches them both off a cliff.  They then fly around partly melded together, which is inconsistent with the recent separation of their souls.  They were, but no longer are, conjoined at the soul.  
To be fair, Neville was EPIC in beheading Nagini, and Molly Weasley delivered her revered line, "NOT MY DAUGHTER YOU BITCH." But those are the only highlights at this point.
Once the snake is gone from Voldemort's system (which Harry seems to feel as well even though he shouldn't, now that the horcrux is gone from his system, but he should never have felt anyway), Harry and Voldemort glare at each other in a final sort of way and move in slow motion and the music builds to a peak as they cast their final curses at each other.  The Elder Wand flies through the air and Harry, "with the unerring skill of the Seeker" catches the wand.  Voldemort then disintegrates into air pollution.  Although the actual duel and Harry’s victory were done well and dramatic enough,  there were definite issues.  The duel is supposed to be in front of everyone and in the Great Hall.  All those in the Order and who fought alongside Harry deserve to witness the downfall of the source of anguish in their lives.  Harry ought to address Voldemort as Tom Riddle and try to save him by making him feel remorse and repair himself.  Also, Voldemort is a mortal again.  When he dies, he needs a CORPSE.
The rest of the film, I like very much.  The atmosphere in the Great Hall, somewhere between relieved and triumphant and mournful, was just right.  Although I liked the scene in Dumbledore's Office with his portrait, the movie scene on the broken bridge was more poignant.  Despite the movie's flaws, I was crying at the end because it all means so much to me.  That Harry’s adventure is over is devastating, but for the rest of us, it’s only the beginning. 

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