Friday, February 3, 2012

Quick Intermission from HPDH Analyses for some Fangirl Madness

These lists are the products of hours of serious thought and consideration.  


Favorite Characters as People, aka Most Awesome People:
  1. Nymphadora Tonks: Absolutely the coolest character in the series.  If I can't be her, I want to be her best friend.
  2. Harry Potter: Okay, so like, he's the Chosen One.  Come on.
  3. Ginny Weasley: She has an awesome personality according to the books.  Bonnie Wright doesn't quite do the character justice. (Side note, I love this in reference to Book Two.)
  4. Fred/George Weasley:  Bloody brilliant.  
  5. Sirius Black: Am I the only one who would give up multiple limbs for Rowling to put out books about the adventures and crazy shenanigans of the Marauders?  Particularly the devilishly handsome and ne'er-do-well teen heartthrob Sirius Black?  He sounds like Danny Zuko when I say it that way. 
Best Developed Characters over the seven books (SPOILER ALERT):
  1. Harry Potter: Most obviously.  We see the development of his every action over the course of seven years.  He's always been a hero, but it takes us seven years to understand how and why he is so.
  2. Tom Riddle:  A huge contributing factor to the extreme success of the series is the characterization and development of Tom Riddle.  The series works because he has a motive and solid reasons for turning out the way he does.
  3. Severus Snape:  Although he's a static character for books one through six, his true psyche comes to light in book seven, resulting in intense sympathy from an audience who never saw it coming. 
  4. Neville Longbottom:  Quite apart from all the fuss everyone makes about Matthew David Lewis going from an awkward kid to a god, Neville develops gradually from a complete bumblefuck, to a character we have sympathy for, to one who realizes and develops his strengths to save the day.  
  5. Petunia Evans-Dursely: Although she appears stagnant in her development most of the time, details about how she became who she is  sneak in here and there in books one, five, and seven.  Like Snape, she never develops during the story, but by the end of the series, again, we understand why she turns out as sour as she does.  
Most important to the story (MORE SPOILERZ):
  1. Harry Potter: No Harry, no story.  With any significantly different protagonist, the story doesn't work.  Rowling says the idea for Harry's character "strolled into [her] head fully formed," and she had to work backwards to find a story to go with him.  
  2. Tom Riddle:  Again, you obviously need Voldemort for there to be a story here.  Of course, you could argue for Sybill Trelawney's relevance because you need the prophecy, but any prophet could have made the prophecy.  As far as Seers go, she's replaceable.
  3. Dumbledore: Although we don't see Dumbledore develop very much (we hear about his past and almost can't believe it really happened because it's so unlike the Dumbledore we know and love), he is a very nuanced character whose ingenuity, talent, and persona are vital to the series.  
  4. Severus Snape: Besides bequeathing his memories to Harry (and saving his life multiple times), Snape was more essential in the events that set up the story and circumstances that Harry would later encounter.  Point is, he's super important. (Can't resist.)
  5. Tie: Lily and Hermione.  Lily obviously is never really in the series, but if she hadn't shielded Harry with love, Voldemort would have won and that would have been that.  On the other hand, Hermione serves the same purpose as a laptop with internet connection over the whole series.  The girl knows everything.  It's a tie between the woman who died to keep Harry alive and the girl who lives to keep Harry alive.  

Now the fun part!! 

Guys from the books that I’d date:
  1. Sirius Black: Like I said, DANNY ZUKO. 
  2. Fred/George: Whoever tries to make a case against Gingers must have overlooked these two.
  3. James Potter: If Sirius was Danny Zuko, James is Kenicke, his equally attractive and mischievous best friend.
  4. Harry Potter: The way I see Harry is not as Dan Radcliffe. There is a separate Harry who lives in my head, and "the collective consciousness of a generation."  I think Dan Radcliffe is a tremendously talented performer, but my Harry is more true to the book.  And a bit more desirable.  
  5. Oliver Wood: Thinking of you, Danielle.  This is THE ONLY guy from both the books (my imagination) AND the movies (Sean Biggerstaff is ADORABLE) that I approve of.
Guys from the movies that I’d do-- I MEAN DATE: 
  1. Draco Malfoy: I adore everything about Tom Felton.  End of discussion.
  2. Scabior: The hipster snatcher with the ponytail and plaid pants.  A bit of a wild card, but he's a likable enough villain.  Actor: Nick Moran.
  3. Older Tom Riddle:  Aside from being a teenage super-villain, he's a very sophisticated, classy-looking guy.  Actor: Christian Coulson.
  4. Neville Longbottom:  Have we not dwelled enough on this? Actor: Matthew David Lewis.
  5. Cormac McLaggen: I know he's annoying as a Cornish pixie in the books, but he's got a very preppy attractiveness about him in the film.  Me gusta. Actor: Freddie Stroma.

I'D REALLY REALLY LOVE IT IF YOU SHARED WHAT ACTORS/CHARACTERS YOU LIKE BEST FOR ANY OF THE ABOVE CATEGORIES! Especially the last two ;) Do it in a comment here or a post on Facebook or whatever.  Love you all.  Mwah <3

Don't we all wish?

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