Friday, February 10, 2012

I wish I could entitle this post a series of notes and have you hear the music I hear.

I kinda miss Rock Ensemble.  I feel like a Has-Been Rockstar listening to all the songs we played last semester.  Right now it's a brilliant, nine-minute version of Africa.  I didn't even get to play Africa and I miss it.  

Listening to Somebody That I Used to Know, by Goyte, a lot lately.  Apart from having relevant and relatable lyrics, the music and music video are seemingly simplistic while actually deceitfully intricate.  I highly recommend it.  

I am sick and unhappy.  That's actually a lie.  An extended lunch with Meredith and Laura and an entertaining dinner with Laura, Lauren, Sean, and Chris today proved laughter to be the best medicine ever. 

Know how all cultures create calendars based on some traumatic or society- altering event, such as the birth of Christ, etc?  I've found my life calendar's focal point.  The day I met Meredith Bradley.  Everyone should know that this is Year One of Our Meredith.  We celebrate the New Year/Our Anniversary on Halloween. Therefore we have three holidays-Halloween, New Year's Eve, and an Anniversary-rolled into one.  That's three times the.. fun!

Work at 7am on weekends... this ought to be an interesting semester.  Consequently, less Rageous Band this semester, but more money in my pocket.  Fair tradeoff.

Laura said some funny things yesterday, I can't remember anything specific though, apart from "I can't believe it loaded so fast!"  I said some funny things last night too.  My favorites were Alaric and Andy's responses: "Verily, what the flying fuck?" and "Atheists can't explain that!" respectively.  

I owe Scott and Ben an apology.  I grievously insulted each of them by assuming that they did not know who Joe Walker was when in fact they did.  I apologize for underestimating them both.  This was followed by a lot of hugging and bopping around attempting to apologize, book stealing, and me being picked up and thrown around and generally bullied.  Oh, life.  

Musicals was so joke-y this morning.  Feinstein was sick and discombobulated and MUSIC MAN (imagine Andy saying this with his nyagga inflection) was derping all over the place and the play and movie didn't coincide... what a mess.  

She's So High, by Tal Bachman is also a fun song.

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