Thursday, December 22, 2011

"No, I do mean impassible. Nothing's impossible!”

If I remember correctly, I'm starting off today by writing about the Amazing Eight.  Though we've all been friends in various smaller groups dating back to 2001, this group solidified about a year ago.  Since we arrange ourselves in no particular order, I'll introduce the stunning seven ladies in the order I met them. 

Alyssa:  Alyssa and I go way back to kindergarten.  We've been through many adventures together such as the Fifth Grade talent show, Jonas Sisters Era, Sweet Sixteen season, proms, and Graduation Party season.  Whenever I think of Alyssa, I clearly see her beauteous smile and hear her laughing.  Loudly.

Chelsea:  Oh, where to begin?  I don't remember meeting or becoming friends with her, but I do remember meeting her mom at someone else's birthday party in first grade.  Her mom and my mom started bonding from day one, and our dads and sisters would shortly follow suit.  Our families have vacationed at Woodloch together eight times, and we go skiing together once a year.  This girl is certifiably weird.  She'll speak in a Russian accent for the hell of it and is NEVER afraid to make herself look like a door publicly.  This is fortunate, given the frequency at which this occurs.

Sarah F: We spent our very first playmate in fourth grade creating play-doh bakery goods, and the rest is history.  Our most intense bonds come from AP Bio, Badminton, and Stacy's Pita Chips/proper eating etiquette.  Also, there was Nolan's English class, in which we made fun of each other and got graded for it.  She also has a Sabrina Strand in her hair, AKA the most purdy piece of hair on her head.  

Christie:  It's a wonder Christie hasn't come up before now, seeing as she's also a Husky.  She's about a foot taller than I am, and consistently has been since we met in fifth grade.  We share a love for tap dancing and Broadway musicals, but otherwise have very little in common.  I think this speaks for the strength of the friendship though, because it means we can make conversation out of anything.  Evidence: two hour lunches like twice a week.

Paige: Firstly, let's set the record straight.  Paige is definitively a Gryffindor.  Plus she's a ginger, so she MUST be a Weasley.  (Underlying message, she's as obsessed with Harry Potter as I am.)  She loves anything and everything Disney and is incapable of smiling with her mouth closed.  This isn't an issue though since we love her big smile.

Cristina: I'm fairly certain the first conversation we had was about Twilight in tenth grade BUT she has successfully been converted to a Harry Potter fan, so there is no need to hate on either of us for having read and mildly enjoyed Twilight.  Cristina is a hugely supportive and thoughtful friend, who shares my passion for reading (particularly during class).  

Sarah D:  This is weird because we went to elementary school together and she lives closer to me than any of the other six do, yet we got to know each other most recently.  She's the most organized (and a tinyyyy bit OCD) person you'll ever meet.  I promise. 

The Amazing Eight!

Moving on, I spent six and a half hours baking Christmas cookies at Nonni's today.  We made tricolored cookies and rugalas.  If you don't know what either of those are, you are severely missing out.  (I am speaking partially to my mac because it keeps trying to tell me I misspelled "rugalas.")

I was looking at all the family Christmas cards when Nonni pointed out how much my little cousin, Ava, age 2, resembles Aunt Maria.  Aunt Maria lost her second battle with cancer a little over a year ago.  Nonni's comment caught me off guard.  Although I'm saddened to be thinking about how much I miss Aunt Maria, it's a wonderful comfort to look at Ava's face and see her there.  

On a lighter note, Matt, Sean, James, Aaron, Brian, and I got to go see the Trans Siberian Orchestra tonight!!!  I've known every word to every one of their Christmas songs inside-out since I was ten, so this was a childhood dream fulfilled for me.  TSO perform and write Christmas carols in a rock style.  They even have Christmas-themed rock operas.  Half of tonight's show was the Christmas Eve and Other Stories rock opera.  The other half contained songs from their other albums, including one called Beethoven's Last Night, which draws inspiration from the musical mastermind's own compositions.  The show tonight included re-arranged pieces by Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, Tchaikovsky, Lizt, and Grieg.  It was more wonderful than I can articulate.  I could honestly die satisfied right now.  This is the grand finale of the show.  Go watch it.  Beethoven's Fifth into Siberian Sleigh ride into the finale of Sarajevo 12/24.  Their best three compositions to date.  There were tears in my eyes.  

Matt: We've been in each other's lives for fifteen years, despite the fact that he's a Transformers fan.  He's a talented artist and shares my affinity for metal.  Also, we shared Lifeteen for a solid three and a half years.  We are the definition of "antagonistic," church or no. 

Sean: It's a shame we only got to know each other this past summer, but we became good friends relatively quickly.  Also a Transformers fan, however.  He is a technology junkie and has poor taste in music.

James: James is a music person.  This makes me happy.  He's a singer, and therefore earns a fair amount of respect.

Aaron:  Enjoys making fun of teachers and people he dislikes in a fairly cruel fashion.  He makes lots of racist jokes, including a fair few about himself.  He's a cellist and is teaching my brother at the moment.  

Brian:  I wish words would begin to describe how lucky I am to have Brian in my life.  He is my twin.  We talk about anything and everything for hours at a time, share music, bond over orchestra (he's also a cellist), and generally offer lots of support when one of us needs it.  Also, I could talk to Mrs. Ralph for hours too if we're left unchecked.  She's the sweetest lady you'll ever meet.  Really though, Brian is honestly the reason I have any sanity left in me at all.  He's also the hardest working student I know, and works as a full-time genius.

In the light of the fantastic ensemble I was privileged enough to see, I offer a prayer in remembrance of Daryl Pediford, former lead singer of TSO.   

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