Thursday, December 15, 2011

“Contrariwise, if it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn't, it ain't. That's logic.”

I miss taking long car rides with my dad.  The moon roof would be wide open, a classic rock radio station would be blasting, and we can talk about everything.  Junior and Senior years he drove me around rather a lot... bass lessons and orchestras were always inconveniently far away, and met frequently.  Then, of course, there were the countless college visits, so we trekked all over the New England area together.  It’s raining and Dream On is playing and all is well.  
See what I did there?  When I look back on this moment, I can say “All was well.”  I shall feel magical.
Also, he told me my phone has seen better days and then asked to smell it.  He wrinkled his nose and said he bets I piss a lot of people off and talk a lot of shit on that phone.  I forgot he knows I dropped my phone in the toilet.  
Harry Potter was playing in the dining hall today. It was the ending cadence in the music that made me notice.  There is no better way to start a day. Especially the day you’re taking a final in Music Theory.
I appreciated Janis, the voice of the elevator, more than usual today.  When she said “Ninth Floor,” it sounded much less like an informative statement and much more like a personal greeting and welcome.  I’m using Ninth Floor as a proper noun the way I use Common Room.
A taco would be nice right about now.
I overuse the word “cute.”  I just described a lake as cute.  “Tranquil” would have worked.  “Picturesque” would have been a good choice.  “Cute” should be for things like Elf and fuzzy socks and little cousins and Lauren & Sarah.
It was awful saying goodbye to people today, even though it’s only for three weeks.  Time to talk about more of the amazing people in my life!
Joe:  He likes to purr.  He’s big on hugs, which is always good in my book.  Also, he’s a guy and therefore watches a lot of sports, usually with his door open, and sometimes sitting at his CEO desk.  
Jackie:  She pulls off short hair like a boss.  She enjoys tea and yoga and Occupy movements.  She’s also just as much of a boss at hugging people as she is at having short hair. 
Shannon: She’s a dancer and a Cinematic Studies major who enjoyed the power metal I shared with her a few weeks ago.  She was also a kick-ass captain of the Rubik’s Cubes during Husky Hunt, abduction and all!
Lauren (B): We recently got to know each other and have bonded over Doctor Who and Harry Potter, among other things.  She’s the neat roommate who gets cookies put into her stocking by Saints Andrew and Alaric.
Meredith: Also a recent addition to the Tremont Street Raiders.  She hates surprises and keeps being given apples by Saints Alaric and Andrew.  Oh, and she’s the messy roommate.  We ran down the hall to see her and Lauren’s room because it was a major accomplishment when you could see the floor for the first time in weeks
Tasha: I’m beyond lucky to have been assigned such a wonderful roommate.  She’s funny and festive, has the same taste in books as I do, and makes excellent crepes.  Talk about separation anxiety, we haven’t spent more than four or five days apart since we met in the beginning of the school year, and we now have to go three weeks!  But really, I’m glad for her to go home to sunny and tropical Florida and see her family.  
Dad:  See above comments about the toilet phone, and you’ll get a good feel for my dear father.  He just shared a story with me about turning off the lights and listening to Elton John’s Funeral For A Friend during a storm when he was young, a lot like when I blasted classical music to enjoy the snow this time last year.  We’re two peas in a pod.
Mom:  I’m not entirely sure why, but she likes to call me Eunice.  And her idea of punishing me for acting up is licking the side of my face.  Now you all understand why I never put a toe out of line.   Many of my t-shirts originated as hers, including an authentic 1980s Bruce Springsteen Tunnel of Love shirt, a Tokyo Hard Rock, and a comfy, baggy Giants Superbowl one.
Delia:  AKA Deels, she’s my best friend.  We’re closer than most sisters, due in part to sharing a room for ten years and in part to separating rooms when we started to need our own space.  She’s a prima ballerina, a theater buff, a splendid singer, a thoughtful writer, and a world-class sister.  She’s also known as the Atomic Elbow.  
Eric:  Honestly the best little brother in the whole world.  He’s never nosy or obnoxious, just curious and witty and awesome.  He’s great at hockey and is sort of my protege on cello.  I can’t actually play cello but I love giving him long-winded answers to casual questions.  And when I need to bribe him, he’d rather be paid by the penny than by the dollar.  WIN.
The song No One Like You by the Scorpions is so freaking good.  

The car in front of us has a Northeastern sticker.  #FuckYeah.

We just got off the ferry and we’ll be home in less than 20 minutes.  This is highly convenient because in an hour we have to leave to see Deels’s Charity Fundraiser Father Charles Something dance show.  I can’t wait to be home.  
“I’m tired but my eyes are open.  It’s like being on Life Support and you’re dead but something’s keeping you going.”- Dad, on the subject coffee.
"Famous last words!  That should be the title of your blog: 'I WASN'T THINKING.' "- Mom, on the topic of me


  1. Fun fact: Meredith and Lauren (B) are actually founding members of the original Tremont Street Raiders.

  2. I just keep screwing up all over the place. Why do I feel like I only got to know them like a month ago?


Let the bashing of my personal musings begin!