Sunday, December 18, 2011

"If I wasn’t real," Alice said, half laughing through her tears, "I shouldn’t be able to cry."

I'm finding the song Music Box Blues by the Trans Siberian Orchestra really moving and cathartic right now.  His voice and the words and the style are beautifully tragic.

One quick amendment to a previous entry:

Scott:  In addition to being a not-so-scrawny hockey player, he's a pretty kick-ass friend.  Impressively, he's just about as versed in Harry Potter as I am, and is a fan of the Very Potter Musical and Sequel.  He's amusingly ticklish and makes a habit of calling people "a towel."  On a more sincere note, he really is a dependable friend who gives great bear hugs and really thought-provoking advice when you need them.  Despite the snarkiness in my initial description of him, the truth is I'm blessed that we crossed each other's paths.  Here's to friendship.  

Do you ever feel emotionally hungry?  Sometimes the desire to immerse myself in really emotional material is just overwhelming.  A play, music, books; anything that can give me a bit of emotional movement is great.  I really wanted to learn Bruce Springsteen's Thunder Road on piano, and was just so moved by the poignancy of both the lyrics and music.  The name "Thunder Road" also brings to mind the car race in Grease, which is possibly my favorite movie.  It's silly and shallow, I know, but there is such an emotional sincerity and such good music there that I can't help but be tied to it.  So generally, the song and memory associations are really strong for the words "Thunder Road," and I measure the emotional value as passionate and gratifying.  So many of his songs have this power.  Atlantic City, Darkness on the Edge of Town, and Something in the Night, to name a few.  One good bio I read of Bruce Springsteen phrased it this way: "His most famous albums... epitomize his penchant for finding grandeur in the struggles of daily life."  That's exactly what I look for in life.  The mundaneness of the comings and goings of this world is only okay when I can derive some pathos or some emotional lesson from these goings-on.  That's difficult to do without the help of intellectual art, sometimes.  As a general rule, I wander around immersed in fairy tales and with earbuds to get away from this constant factor in life.  For this reason, I know my life needs to be about music.  Music has been a staple for me since I first plucked an E string on some high school student's bass when I was ten.  For eight years, I've become more sure every day that music allows for emotional growth.  Music equals emotion.  That's one of the few things I'm sure of anymore.  

"It doesn't seem like so long ago that we'd pack up your backpack and go on walks to the jungle, but that was fifteen years ago already, chiacchierone." --Nonno

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