Friday, December 30, 2011

“Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end; then stop”

This has been fantastic trip.  I finally got to update my iPod so it holds all that excellent music I got for Christmas.  My iPod now has over 1200 songs on it... Heavenly.  I basically slept and enjoyed a musical nirvana for three hours all the way to Butternut.  
Speaking of such musical bliss, I’ll keep you posted on what pops up on my iPod.  You’re welcome.
Paul McCartney & The Wings- Jet
Finding Shannon on the mountain two days ago was way easier than expected since she happened to be heading toward a lift as we were going to buy our lift tickets.  There was some lighthearted falling, especially as we got tired and the snow developed an awful, gluey consistency, but mainly we just killed every trail on the mountain and enjoyed a lot of conversation and bonding time on the lifts.  Shannon and I were both struck by the thought that the rocky chasm beneath us came very close to resembling ruins.  They also looked like a lot of fun to hike... I’m holding on to that idea.
Last year, at Berkshire East, there was this ski lift operator who kept recognizing me and making conversation... every time we visited that mountain.  He was foreign and his name was Marti with emphasis on the “ti.”  (The Scorpions- No One Like You.  I cannot express enough how awesome this song is.) Needless to say, when we took the lift up to the lodge and a cute operator named Ivan started the same deal, Deels took note and won’t let me live these things down. She couldn’t wait to see who I’d find at Jiminy.  
That night we met Chelsea and Sydney’s family for dinner and argued all night about whether our waiter was gay or not.  
Chelsea: He’s FLAMING.
Waiter: Your carrot cake, Miss.
Good one, Chels. 
Trans Siberian Orchestra- The Three Kings and I (What Really Happened). Don’t even get me started on how much I love TSO. “Oh what a night it must have been, but when God is on your side, you kind of know that in the end you’re gonna win.”
Sydney- Syd is Chelsea’s younger sister who is just as close with Deels as I am with Chels.  She’s a singer, actress, guitarist, and, more recently, a ukelele player.  She’s currently being kind of punky, what with dying her hair dark red and only listening to alternative bands and all.  She’s rather a freak like her sister.
Journey- Separate Ways/ Worlds Apart.  Excellent.
I didn’t realize how much I missed skiing at Jiminy Peak.  The mountain itself, considering there’s been no snow, was in pretty excellent condition.  Chels and I had our usual ski lift bonding time and the four of us had our usual Blue Flamingo bonding time (ONE, TWO, FIVE, BLUE FLAMINGOS).  
Remember when I said Deels wanted to see what boy I came up with at Jiminy?  Well, we got on the lift next to two cute-in-a-younger-way guys who immediately started asking where we were from and what high school we go to.  Excuse me?  (Bomshel- 19 and Crazy.  I can’t wait for this song to officially apply to me.)  They may or may not have been twins; we couldn’t tell because their answers conflicted.  They downright refused to believe I’m in college.  I’m still insulted.  They proceeded to ask our names (Sabrina, Chelsea, Delia, Sydney) and tell us we all have pornstar names.  The maturity.
Justin Finch-Fletchley and the Sugar Quills- Krum.  I’m into Wizard Rock... don’t judge.
Chels and I decided to conquer Whitetail, a black diamond.  It was toward the end of the day, so the snow was losing its powderiness, it was dark out, we were tired, and it was icy as hell.  Not my best analogy, but you get it.  Skiing in wide turns down the mountain was not the way to go, so we pretty much went straight down at personal-record-breaking speeds.  (Sonata Arctica- False News Travels Fast.  Good thing too, I was so in need of a power metal fix.)  We stopped halfway down to catch our breath and take a few pictures, then took our goggles off for the last half since it was dark.  TERRIBLE CHOICE. We started out seeing more clearly, but then the wind blew uphill.  We got to the bottom crying and laughing with our eyes red and makeup running down our faces.
We got on the next lift, still with red eyes and smeared mascara and found ourselves next to two guys who were definitely in college and much more attractive.  Eff our lives.
Since there’s hardly any snow anywhere, there was lots of snow being made.  It’s fun to ski through it slowly and have icicles on your eyelashes and frost in your hair, but when you’re skiing through at already unhealthy speeds, it’s like you’re getting shot in the face. (Boston- Still in Love.  I love Boston the band and I love and miss Boston the city and its inhabitants intensely.)  Seeing the closed trails get progressively snowier each time we took the lift up was simultaneously gratifying and tantalizing since there wasn’t a way to get near it.  It’s interesting, isn’t it?  That our first instinct is to go roll around in and ski on the untouched snow?  To go wreck what’s in perfect condition?  I’m intrigued.
When I was ordering our pizza last night, I accidentally said to skip the pizza instead of skipping the topping. Oops.
There’s lots more I’d love to say but this has already been an obscenely long post so I’ll finish off with the best quotes of the last two days.  
Tom Felton- If You Could Be Anywhere.  Best song to sing to yourself when you’d rather be anywhere but where you are/best to sing when you’re mooning over Tom Felton.
“Let’s see if they can go forever without food or anything.” Eric, talking about Deels and Syd’s card game.
“I think she was talking about her boobs again...” Chelsea
“I’m slow, but I’m quick.” Sydney, being a doof and reminding us of a Blue Flamingo classic quote...
“I may be stupid, but at least I’m not Delia.”
I neglected to mention this wondrous quote from the night Rebecca and Mike were over.
“Just because I can’t blow bubbles out my nose doesn’t mean I can’t beat Voldemort!”  Eloquently put, Rebecca.
Sonata Arctica- Wolf and Raven. Power metal at it’s peak and my first true music love.


  1. I will be the first to comment. WOW. I enjoyed that immensely(spelled wrong)I could picture you nuts doing everything! Nice to know about the insane speed! Another successful trip I might add!!!! <333 Mrs. Schizzano

  2. That Sydney chic sounds soo hilarious and beautiful! haha if you hadn't guessed its me! but oh my gosh sab that was so great! and i love your description of me! haha -sydney!


Let the bashing of my personal musings begin!